哀 | Lament | 1 June 2021

5 Minutes Read

After living through a year of the pandemic-stricken world, Churches worldwide have put in tons of resources to preserve their labour in ensuring our congregations remain intact. We have grown agile in adapting to the ever-changing restrictions and measures. Interchanging onsite and online services with efficiency has now become a part of our new norm. We have somewhat managed to stabilize the disruption, easing our people to cope with the present situation, hoping to return to "Pre-Covid" days. 

Many of these Pastors and their staff team had worked hard in managing this global crisis. Everything was necessary on a pastoral level, and we must appreciate the gift God has put in our midst to navigate through one of the worst pandemics in all of our history.

深 | A Deeper Question

Amid trying our best to keep the Church going during this global pandemic, we have to ask ourselves deeper questions with this scale of disruption. We are talking about billions of lives literally at stake here. I doubt God was surprised by the pandemic. He is all-knowing. He rules over all, and He is the one who leads history. Base on this fundamental belief in God as all-powerful and all-knowing, what is the point of this global pandemic?   Is this an issue of God's lack of desire for humanity, or are we missing something that God is longing to do in this very present moment?

We can choose to view this pandemic as merely a disruption that will last for a brief moment or approach it as a mark of transition for the global Church. We can choose to wait for things to return to pre-covid days or go onto our knees to contend for God the fullness of God power to break in through His people as promised in His word. Is it possible for God to use a global pandemic to bring the Church into the maturity of love and power in preparation for His return?

谐 | The Great Dissonance

There's been great dissonance between what we, the Christian, claim to believe with how we live in this pandemic. Despite the billions who professed their faith in the resurrection of Jesus, believing in the resurrection power of Jesus to heal every disease, cast out demons and raise the dead. Yet, we leave not a dent after a year of pandemic. 

To date, 3 million lives died because of a virus, and we are too busy running our services instead of falling to our knees to cry out for mercy. After living through Covid-19 for a year, we got ourselves a de-sensitized hearts toward lives and people. Daily reports of death due both the virus and violence has become just numbers and statistic on our social media. 

Friends, this is not ok.

It is not ok that we are more concerned about preserving our lives while 3 million people died of a virus. It is not ok that our hearts are de-sensitized to the affliction of people. It is not ok that we are busying ourselves with polishing our service experiences instead of calling God's people back to our knees to cry out for mercy. 

应 | We Must Contend

Apart from putting in our effort in preserving our services, we need to contend for God's power and love to break out through the church for the sake of those we are dying. With our present crisis, we have to put away our scepticism towards the supernatural ministry and believe wholehearted in the words of Jesus that He stills heals and perform miracles through the Church (John 14:12). We need to hear of reports of unusual miracles done through the prayers of the saints in Jesus name. We need to hear news of Jesus moving in power and healing in the hospital and the streets because of the Church embracing the sick and afflicted. The fulfilment of Isaiah 61 in the person of Jesus must be made manifest through His Body so that the earth may bear witness of Jesus' identity as the Messiah.

Am I suggesting that we should ignore every measure given by the authorities and live recklessly with blind faith? No. The Church must live above the law and be found blameless by the earthly authority. That doesn't mean we compromise in our witness or have our faith crippled by these measures. The issues aren't so much in our form but the condition of our hearts. When we align our hearts with Jesus’ will, He will compel us into action with divine wisdom. We need the Lord to re-sensitize our callous hearts so that we may have tears for those who are afflicted. Until Jesus baptizes us afresh with His love and compassion, the Church will not move. No programs or emotional appeal of man can fabricate that baptism of love other than us contending for it in the place of prayer.

勇 | Courage To Yield

For God to break in with power and love, we must be willing and courageous to yield to His ways, His terms. God has no qualms in shaking or removing our super-structure and institution that hinders us from maturing as a people. If He can do it with Israel's temple (Matt 24:1-2), He can do it to the Church. God's love is stronger than death; simultaneously, His jealousy is fiercer than the grave (SOS 8:6-7). God can slay the sacred cow of church services or the golden calf of ministry stardom if they become idols that compete after our affections for the Lord and compassion for people. 

God will not fill His temple (His Church/People) with glory until every idol is torn down and remove. May we not preserve and rebuild anything that God is tearing down because they symbolise our glory when God's glory has already departed. May the Lord help us understand His desire for the Church in this hour so that we may respond to Him on His term, even if it is costly.

裂 | Rend Our Hearts

Despite the void that we are feeling, we are not a people without hope. God has laid out for us a promise to those who would respond in times of great crisis and calamity. When we rend our hearts, God rends the heavens. When we return to Him with our whole heart, He responds to us in power.

We might be living in the days of that "greater works" Jesus spoke about in John 14:12, with Covid-19 being a stage for God to display His power through His Church. Perhaps, yielded vessels are needed, and as for me, I desire to be one.